FarmCompany announces strong 2016 results

Blue Harvest S.A., investment advisor to FarmCompany A/S, Denmark, announced a strong result for 2016 audited financial statements. FarmCompany A/S completed its 15th farmland acquisition during the second half of 2016 and currently holds approx. 1’400 acres of Danish farmland, located in 3 productive clusters.

“The positive 2016 results – with total profits before tax reaching EUR 635’000 – confirm that FarmCompany’s strategic focus in Denmark is right on the sweet investment spot of European farmland, and the path for continued success in Danish farmland is evident to us”, says the founder and CEO of Blue Harvest S.A., Jens Ohnemus.

“Today, we have a proven track-record of profitable farmland investments, with a professional team working with us in Denmark, integrating the UN PRI – United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment set for farmland investments, notably promoting environmental sustainability, respecting and engaging with local farmers, protecting existing land and resources’ rights and upholding high ethical standards”, he continues.

FarmCompany expects a continued positive result and strong cash-flow in 2017, mainly through increased operational efficiency and reduced operational costs.