Tag Archive for: agriculture

Le potentiel de l’agriculture verte danoise

AGEFI INDICES - Septembre 2020 L'agriculture respectueuse du climat ("climate smart agriculture") est une approche intégrée de la gestion des terres qui permet à long terme de stimuler la productivité, réduire des émissions de gaz à…

FarmCompany’s New Headquarter

Vejen, Denmark, 11 June 2019, 11:30am - FarmCompany A/S today proudly announced the relocation of the company and its subsidiaires to a new HQ located in the Vejen Municipality, located in the southwest of Denmark. “The group has expanded…

Danish food production sets vision to be climate neutral in 2050

 Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 March 2019 - THE DANISH AGRICULTURE AND FOOD COUNCIL The Danish food industry is launching a vision to be climate neutral by 2050, while sustaining or even increasing food production. In a partnership with Denmark…